I don't hold that against it, because I love the Dreamcast and would never fault a port for being a port, even if the original was unreleased. It was originally made for the Dreamcast, and it has Dreamcast graphics. Which begs the question, why am I rating it a 10? Simply put, for every fault I can list, there is a counterpoint for why I wouldn't let it affect my rating. Of course, it's not a game without faults. Despite the looping nature of time, it's a game where your actions have consequences and your choices matter. On top of all that, the game has multiple endings and characters you can miss completely depending on what you do. Each additional party member you can recruit has to first be broken out of the cycle, made to remember what happened on previous loops, and the only way to do that is by learning about them, then using that knowledge to open their eyes. Want to learn a particular NPC's schedule, so you know what they'll be doing at any given time on each day? You can and you should. Want to spend a week learning the map? You can do that. Want to take a week to grind? You can do that. Over the repeating "Groundhog's Day" week of the story, you can do things in whatever way you want. It is 100% true that it won't just tell you what to do next. You can't just coast by in Ephemeral Fantasia. You'll find secrets, interwoven stories, and a world where your investment in it is rewarded. You'll find an engaging battle system that shapes itself to your play style through evolving skills and a "catch up" mechanic for less leveled characters that I've never seen in any other game.
If you do get invested, though? You'll find a complex story full of twists and surprises waiting for you.

Engage with the game world, pay attention, and get invested, or it will leave you behind. It doesn't hold your hand, and it expects you to make a little effort. You will get out of it what you put into it. First of all, I'll be straight with one thing - this game is not for the faint of heart. First of all, I'll be straight with one thing Ephemeral Fantasia is practically my test for whether someone has good taste in games or not.

Ephemeral Fantasia is practically my test for whether someone has good taste in games or not.